Too little tourism? Too much Tourism! Join us as our students explore how tourism is affecting your town!
Greetings and welcome to the Official Blog of the Oregon State University Sustainable Tourism Lab! We, the students at the OSU Sustainable Tourism Lab, are on a journey to discover how tourism impacts various towns and communities globally.
Our mission is to help find ways in which we can help understand and improve the tourism industry in a multitude of areas, ultimately bringing about sustainable and beneficial solutions that will help with the balance of everyday life in your area. This of course is only achievable thanks to the help of residents and visitors like you.
Throughout our blog posts, we hope to create a space in which residents, policymakers, businesses, and professionals in tourism, can understand the data we collect. These posts will also hopefully serve as a communal space in which all parties can come together and have meaningful dialog about the subject and also help our students expand themselves in the ever-changing world of travel. Expect to see photos and stories from our adventures!
Stay tuned for future blog posts!